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Uruguay has 2 public universities with free access, 5 private universities and 10 private university institutes, reaching a wide national coverage and range of knowledge fields for the access to undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s degrees. 


The QS World University Rankings, which classifies the best universities in the world every year shows two Uruguayan centers among the top 500 schools: Universidad ORT Uruguay and the Universidad de Montevideo (UM, for its acronym in Spanish).

The Universidad de la República (UdelaR for its Spanish acronym) is a public institution of higher education and research in Uruguay that was founded in 1838 and currently accounts for 85% of the country's university enrollment. 

It offers over 290 undergraduate degrees and more than 300 postgraduate, Master's and Doctoral programs, with a strong presence in Montevideo and branches with specific courses in 14 states of the country. In the credit system used by the University, 1 credit is equivalent to 15 hours of student work associated with courses or activities.  


The educational offer covers all areas of knowledge, more information here. 


The Universidad de la República includes several programs that make student and faculty mobility to and from other universities possible. These are managed through the International Relations Service,  which organizes and broadcasts updated information on mobility, as well as calls for exchange scholarships.



UTEC is the Technological University of Uruguay that focuses on inclusive and sustainable development, innovation and applied research in Engineering and STEM areas.


It was founded in 2013, making it the second public university of free access in the country, and has three Regional Technological Institutes (ITRs for its acronym in Spanish) located in Fray Bentos, Durazno and Rivera with locations in Paysandú, San José, Colonia and Mercedes.  


It currently has over 20 educational offers in areas related to science, technology, mechatronics, agri-environment, dairy production and logistics, among others. In the credit system used by the University, 1 credit is equivalent to 15 hours of students work associated to courses or activities.  


UTEC offers opportunities for visiting international scholarship holders, international exchange students, joint and double degrees, capacity building programs, international research networks and high-level international events.



The Universidad Católica del Uruguay is the oldest private university in the country, established in 1984, and is the leading work of the Catholic Church in the field of higher education in Uruguay, with its headquarters in Montevideo and several states in the country.

It currently has more than 8,000 students, over 30 undergraduate programs and more than 40 postgraduate academic programs in the areas of art and communication, business, social science, law, education, computer science, engineering, nursing, dentistry and health. The University applies the credit system based on ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) parameters, 1 credit for every 25 hours of student activity.


The University offers different study modalities within the framework of an exchange program: bilateral agreements / AUSJAL; ISEP - International Student Exchange Program; CINDA student mobility program; and open mobility programs.


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The Universidad de la Empresa is a private university that was founded in 1998, with the support of the Marketing Managers Association (ADM for its acronym in Spanish) and the main business chambers of the country. 


It is based in Montevideo, Colonia and Punta del Este, and offers more than 20 undergraduate and postgraduate programs, in the areas of agricultural sciences, education, health, business, law, design and communication, and engineering.  


The University has different modalities for international students: exchange students from universities with an agreement; temporary stay for a semester paying the registration fee and student trips for specific purposes.


The Universidad de Montevideo is a private university founded in 1997 based in Montevideo, with a Christian identity inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei.


It has more than 2,500 students enrolled in over 20 undergraduate programs and offers a wide range of graduate programs in the areas of business, communications, law, humanities and education, engineering, and biomedical sciences. In the credit system used by the University, 1 credit is equivalent to 10 hours of student work associated with courses or activities.  


The University offers a broad array of international programs to meet the interests of each international student. Students can study abroad for a semester or a year, as independent students (free movers) or as exchange students, to be coordinated among partner universities around the world. 



Logo de la Universidad ORT Urugua

Universidad ORT Uruguay is a private university with more than 20 years of experience and is a member of World ORT, an international educational network founded in 1880 by the Jewish community of St. Petersburg, Russia. 

More than 12,000 students annually pursue careers in five colleges and institutes offering over 70 postgraduate, undergraduate and technical degrees in architecture, engineering, biotechnology, management, economics, international relations, design, animation, communication and education. 


Universidad ORT Uruguay allows foreign students to study in several modalities: undergraduate students who meet the admission requirements, exchange students with partner universities and independent students (free movers) who can study for up to one academic year and choose from a wide range of courses and academic programs.


In 2017, after six decades of operation and being a university institute between 1997 and 2017, UCLAEH was recognized as a university by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay and currently has 3 campuses in Montevideo, Punta del Este and Tacuarembó. 

It has three colleges with undergraduate degrees and specializations in medicine, law and culture as well as an extensive academic proposal of technical and postgraduate degrees in areas such as local development, education and health management.   


CLAEH University allows foreign students in a couple of study modalities: undergraduate students who meet the admission requirements and exchange students with partner universities.



In Uruguay, University Institutes are those authorized by the Ministry of Education and Culture that carry out university level programs in less than three subject areas. The degrees they issue have the same status as a university, so there are no differences when it comes to qualification for the exercise of university occupations. 











All of the country's universities have a full agenda of extracurricular activities that allow for sports, community, cultural and social activities. In fact, the University Sports League has a long trajectory in the country and counts with more than 9 sports disciplines that are deeply rooted among university students and graduates. More information here.


Initiatives with the community, known as "university extension", is also a practice widely developed by all universities, linking university knowledge with the needs of different communities, vulnerable populations, or specific territories.  


All universities hold social activities to welcome new students, foreigners, and graduation ceremonies, which are an ideal excuse to build social and community ties. In addition, student associations lead different types of activities to meet the needs of curricular and extracurricular academic development. 

How education is organized in Uruguay


Enjoy a language immersion experience in Uruguay. 

Check the process for recognition of studies

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