The Uruguayan educational system is based on a secular and mandatory system with free access to education for all citizens.
Uruguay was the first country in the world to implement the One Laptop Per Child program through the Ceibal Plan, ensuring connectivity and access to content for all children in the country’s public system.
Education is compulsory for 11 years (between the ages of 4 and 15) and it is divided into four levels: Preschool, Primary (six years), Secondary (six years) and University.

Uruguay was the first country in the world to implement one laptop per child through the Ceibal Plan, ensuring connectivity and content access for all children in the country's public system.
Education is compulsory for 11 years (between 4 and 15) and is divided into at least four levels: Initial, Primary (six years), Secondary (six years) and Tertiary.
Uruguay simplifies the processes of recognition and validation of studies obtained at all levels, both in the public and private system. For further information you can access the Center for advice to migrants regarding educational issues of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay, where advice is available concerning the functioning of the entire educational system, its range of services and places where enrollment and revalidation procedures can be carried out.
Early childhood education covers the period from birth to three years of age. In Uruguay, it is not compulsory.
The purpose of early childhood education is to stimulate the affective, social, motor, and intellectual development of children. Education is mandatory from age 4 or, at the latest, 5. There are a series of both public and private options.
To enroll children, it is necessary to go to any educational center and present any form of ID for the child (ID card, birth certificate or passport) and their Health and Vaccination Card.
Primary education covers 6 grades organized into regular and special education modalities and geared towards children from the age of 6.
In order to enroll children, they must go to the school of their choice with a form of ID (ID card, birth certificate or passport) and their Health and Vaccination Card.
Access here to the list of public schools throughout the country and here to the list of private schools throughout the country and in the website
In the following link you can access the programs for early and primary education available in the country.
Secondary Education is organized in two levels:
Basic Secondary Education (years 1 through 3), which is taught as general education, Technological Education and Basic Rural cycle (7th, 8th and 9th grade).
Higher Secondary Education (years 4 to 6), which has a greater degree of orientation or specialization and is taught as: General Education and Technical-Professional Education, geared towards employment placement.
There is also a tertiary level education option and professional training courses in different areas of activity, held at the Universidad del Trabajo de Uruguay.
To learn more about the secondary school revalidation system, click here. Generally, the following is required to start the process:
Uruguayan ID card or an ID from any of the member countries of the Mercosur or a passport (original and copy).
Certificate of completion of studies duly legalized and translated.
Tertiary education has a diverse range of educational offers and is organized into three levels:
Non-University Tertiary Education, which deepens and broadens training in some areas of knowledge.
Training in Education, which seeks to train teachers, technical teachers, professors, physical education teachers and social educators.
University Tertiary Education, which is aimed at undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s degree training in different areas of knowledge.
The Technical Professional Education Council (CETP/UTU for its acronym in Spanish) contains the largest number of public tertiary education offers in terms of technical courses.
In all cases for the revalidation of studies, the following is required: degrees, certificates and certified grades, apostilled for use abroad. Find more information here.
Click here to learn more about Uruguay's university education offers.