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To be a Nomad in Uruguay: The Ultimate Destination for Digital Nomads to Live, Work and Explore

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Karina Hunt
Portland, USA - Seven years in Uruguay

Healthcare is a naturally given right, I receive better care here than I do in the United States.


Logan Ware
Texas, USA - Two years in Uruguay

There´s a real palpable difference in the kind of energy, here everything is much more calm, tranquil.


Delfina Santamaría
Argentina - Six months in Uruguay

Uruguay benefits from the time zone with the US and Europe. Uruguay´s workforce is highly demanded as well.

Become a Digital Nomad in Uruguay!

Very simple application process

To apply for a 6-month stay as a digital nomad, after entering Uruguay as a regular tourist, you must complete an online form with personal information and a sign affidavit were you state that you have the means to support yourself financially.


Digital nomads looking to come to Uruguay must be independent workers (freelance) or employed by a foreign company, for this permit does not allow to be employed on a Uruguayan payroll.

After six months, you may apply for an additional 6-month extension or, if you have fallen in love with the country and want to settle there, you can apply for a temporary (up to 2 years) or permanent residency.

Furthermore, in Uruguay, the export of technological services is tax-exempt. A great advantage for digital nomads working in technology!


*Please note that the Digital Nomad Permit does not account for a visa, if your country requires one, you should start this process before working on your Permit.

Curious to know how to apply? Download our free step-by-step guide and check our explanatory video!


For inquiries, please contact

What are you waiting for?
Apply for your digital nomad permit now!

Click the button below to visit the government's website, where you can complete your application in less than five minutes

Discover Uruguay

the perfect destination to live and work remotely. 

Download the eBook
"100+1 Reasons to be a Digital Nomad in Uruguay"; totally FREE 

Join the community of digital nomads who have chosen Uruguay as their remote home and discover a country full of opportunities! 

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Where to find a remote job, housing and more.

Everything you need to know regarding visas and residency permits

Check the latest news about Uruguay!

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