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What Documents do I Need to Obtain Before my Arrival?


Prior to your Arrival


To carry out the necessary procedures to reside in Uruguay, and to be able to study, work or start a business, it is advisable to obtain some documents in the country of origin, such as:

  • Passport (or valid identity card) with at least 6 months of validity at the time of travel and in good condition.

  • Birth, marriage or death certificates (in order to be valid, they must be less than 30 days old)

  • Criminal record certificate from the country of origin and the country where you have lived in for the past 5 years.

  • Certificates or diplomas that show your educational background.

  • Medical examinations: the Occupational Health Card is mandatory and can be processed in Uruguay, but some formalities must also be foreseen in the place of origin such as: proof of current tetanus vaccination, signed and stamped laboratory tests within the last 90 days, and for women over 21 years old, Papanicolaou results within the last 24 months, and for women over 40 years old, mammography results within the last 18 months.

  • Bank references.

  • Visa application if you come from a country that requires it (more information here).


All foreign documents submitted must be apostilled or legalized (according to Law No. 15.441) and translated into Spanish by a Uruguayan public translator, except those issued in Brazil.


The Apostille Convention is an international validity system that replaces document legalization by consulates, by applying a stamp on the public document of a country, which certifies its authenticity in another country. Many processes have become simpler and less expensive since Uruguay's inclusion in the Apostille Convention.


Where can you check if your country has an Apostille Convention and who carries it out?


Legalization of any document is required when it is issued abroad by a country that is not a member of the Apostille Convention.

How should a document be legalized?  

  • Legalize the document with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country.

  • Legalize the document with the Uruguayan Consulate in the issuing country.

  • Legalize the document with the Uruguayan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


What should I do upon arrival?


I. Validate the documents

In cases where the documentation has been legalized by a consular agent but has not been apostilled, once it arrives in Uruguay, the signature of the Uruguayan agent must be authenticated.


II. Translations

Documents originating abroad issued in another language must be translated into Spanish to be valid in Uruguay (except in the case of Brazilian citizens). The only valid translations in Uruguay are those made by:

  1. Uruguayan consular agent: legalized and accompanied by the duly legalized original.

  2. Uruguayan Translators Association.


III. Inscription in the Registry of Foreigners.


It is the transcription of a copy of the foreign birth certificate, legalized or apostilled and translated (as appropriate). With this, a birth certificate registered by Uruguay is obtained, which contains the information found in the foreign birth certificate.

Where is it carried out? At the Ministry of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Civil Registry, click  here


IV. Start the residency application process online, see details here.


V. Obtain the Health Card, see details here.



VI. Apply for the Uruguayan ID card (after starting the residency process), see details here.



TIP: Access the complete guide “Live in Uruguay - Immigrant Support Guide” here



Banking System and Opening Accounts


Banks authorized by the Central Bank of Uruguay (see original source here):


State or National Banks:


Private Banking:


Can I open an account without being a legal resident?


BROUBANDESBBVAHSBCHeritage and Santander Banks have account options for non-residents. As general requirements, the following must be provided:

  • ID card.

  • Residence certificate.

  • Income certificate certified by a public accountant or receipt of income.

  • Bank references.

  • Bank statement from the bank where you are currently trading and credit card summary.


Can I open an account if I am not in the country? 


The BROUItaú and Santander banks have options for opening bank accounts remotely.


Arriving with Goods


Foreigners wishing to settle in Uruguay may bring along, as unaccompanied baggage free of charge and under cargo conditions: clothing, used personal objects, books and newspapers, furniture, and other household goods; tools, machines, instruments and other necessary equipment to work with in their profession, art or trade, considered individually. This benefit is subject to prior confirmation of the business activity to be carried out by the traveler.


The customs procedure is free of charge and may be done personally or through a representative.



  • Baggage must arrive in the customs territory within three months prior to or up to six months after traveler's arrival.

  • Baggage shall only be delivered after traveler's arrival.

  • Baggage must arrive as cargo and from the same origin as the traveler.

  • Baggage shall remain in storage until the clearance is issued.


The process can be carried out by the interested party or by a representative with power of attorney.

The process begins by filling an electronic GEX file to the Customs Authority with the following documentation: application for admission, list of personal effects inspected by the Consulate of the country where the individual resides and proof of entry into the country issued by the Migration Directorate of Uruguay.


In the case of foreigners who do not have permanent residence, their assets may be admitted under the Temporary Admission regime. In this case, a security deposit will be requested based on the applicable taxes, which will be returned once the permanent residency in the country has been verified.


How to apply for this process.

Before entering the country, it is necessary to request the intervention of the Uruguayan Consulate in the country of origin or the visa from the list of personal effects to be transferred. In Uruguay, the process may be carried out by the interested party or by a representative with power of attorney. The documents that must be provided to the Customs Authority are:

  1. Application form.

  2. List of personal belongings inspected by the Consulate.

  3. The record of admission to the country issued by the Migration Department (Certificate of Arrival).


The luggage will remain in storage until the corresponding authorization.

(*) If the country of residence is Brazil, the documents must be apostilled.

In the city of Porto Alegre there are three Notary services where you can request this:


  • First Tabelionato: tel (51) 30795300

  • Tercer Tabelionato: tel (51) 321233876

  • Noveno Tabelionato: tel (51) 33312535


Where should the process be carried out?

 Before leaving the country of origin:

  • Uruguayan Consulate: see map here


Upon arrival in Uruguay:

  • Customs in Montevideo: Rambla 25 de agosto de 1825 nº199. Access Yacaré, Ground Floor. Hours: 9 am to 5 pm.

  • In the rest of the country: at any Customs Administration located at the point of entry to the country.


Further questions:


International transport companies:



Import of Vehicles


Currently, used vehicles may not be imported into the country, with exceptions detailed in Decree 266/013, which require certain formalities to be carried out at the appropriate agencies. However, it is important to note that a new regulation is expected to be approved shortly to make the entry of used vehicles more flexible.


To obtain more information regarding this matter click here and access the Ministry of Economy´s resolution.


According to the current regulations, exceptions include specialized vehicles that cannot be assembled in the country; donations received from abroad of vehicles for a specific non-profit purpose; vehicle cabins included in the current headings 8704.22, 8704.23, and 8704.32. 32 corresponding to the third amendment of the harmonized system of merchandise codification; antique sports cars or antique classic cars that are over twenty years old, whose exclusive use is for exhibition or to participate in competitions and according to the regulations issued by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining for these purposes; special vehicles used for the transport of people in sports fields.


For returning Uruguayan citizens from abroad, the possibility of entering vehicles is available if the following requirements are met:

  • Uruguayan citizens who have been abroad for at least 2 years.

  • Uruguayan citizens who decide to permanently reside in the country, may bring in on a one-time basis, free of exchange formalities and exempt from all customs duties, taxes, or related charges: personal property and objects that furnish their home; tools, machines, appliances and instruments related to carry out their profession, art or trade; a motor vehicle owned by them, which may not be transferred until a period of two years has passed after their entry into the country.


A foreigner who comes to the country can enter a vehicle only if their situation falls within the provisions of articles 2 and 3 of Law 16.340:

  • Being retired.

  • Receive a minimum of U$S 1,500 (one thousand five hundred dollars of the United States of America) per month for retirement or other foreign-generated income.

  • To have acquired a real estate property for home occupation in the Uruguayan territory, which must have a minimum value of U$S 100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars of the United States of America) and may not be sold during a period of ten years. The value of the property referred to shall be accredited by means of reliable evidence.

  • Otherwise, having acquired in Uruguay public bonds issued by the Government of Uruguay for a minimum nominal value of U$S 100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars of the United States of America) which will remain in custody at the Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay for a minimum period of ten years. However, at any time the property may be exchanged for public securities and vice versa, as well as any of them for another investment, always in amounts not less than those mentioned above. 


In the above-mentioned cases, the intervention of a customs broker is not mandatory. The consulate legalization of documents regarding permanent residence in the country of Uruguayan nationals and their immediate family members is free of charge.


Driver´s License Homologation


Allows access to a driver's license issued by the Municipality of Montevideo from one issued by another province or foreign government.

For more information click here.


*Please note that the site is in Spanish, you can use your browser´s automatic translator by right-clicking on your screen and selecting Translate to English.



Arriving with Animals


To bring pets such as dogs or cats into Uruguay, an international veterinary certificate (IVC) signed and stamped by the Responsible Agency of the country of origin is required.

The IVC must state the following:

  • The pet has undergone a clinical examination carried out by a registered veterinarian in the country of origin within 10 days prior to the date of issuance of the IVC, certifying that the animal is clinically healthy, without evidence of parasitosis, and is fit to be transported to Uruguay.

  • Internal and external deworming has been carried out within 15 days prior to the issuance of the International Veterinary Certificate detailing the date and product employed.

  • The animal must have a valid rabies vaccine (showing the vaccination date, type, series, and brand). If the animal has been vaccinated for the first time, the vaccine must have been applied at least 21 days prior to entering Uruguay. If the dog or cat is less than three months old, the registered veterinarian must certify the age of the animal and that it has not been on any property where a case of urban rabies has occurred within the last 90 days prior to boarding.

  • In the case of canines, treatment against Echinococcus tapeworm (hydatid cyst) with an antiparasitic containing Praziquantel as an active ingredient within a minimum period of 72 hours and a maximum of 30 days prior to entry.

  • For canines, Uruguay will not authorize the entry into its territory of animals previously diagnosed with Leishmaniosis.

    • ​Canines coming from countries or areas where the disease was never detected and where this health situation was declared to WOAH are not required to undergo the diagnostic test.​

  • As of October 1st, 2018, non-resident canines must enter and leave the country identified with a microchip, which will be associated with the IVC issued by the health authority of the country of origin.​​


  • If you enter Uruguay with a non-traditional pet (i.e.: ferrets, rabbits, hamsters, birds, etc., except dogs and cats) either permanently or temporarily, you must previously obtain the import authorization from the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, and obtain the International Veterinary Certificate (IVC) in the country of origin. More information can be requested at


Additionally, you should check with the airline about the transport procedures, which may vary according to the airline companies and countries involved.


For more information, access: or click here.​


Official Agency in Uruguay: Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries

  • Animal Health Division of that State Secretary - Department of International Trade Control

  • Website: 

  • Dra. Rosario Guerrero

  • Phone: (00598) 2412 6338


To enter any other domestic animal



Transfers from the Airport


To travel from Carrasco Airport to Montevideo, there are a few possibilities:


1- Public buses to Montevideo, suburban and interstate lines:


2 - Cars or private transfers


Immigration Support Services

Some of the following websites offer consulting services to migrants: 



List of law firms offering immigration support services.


Go back to the main webpage of LIVE section

Check the requirements for visas, residences according to stay purposes, and legal citizenship.

Calculate the cost of living with the online simulator.

Tips to find accommodation according to your needs.

What is the educational system like? Check out the details and how to get homologations. 

The health system has both public and private providers. Learn more about it here. 

Check out the wide and varied cultural offerings that Uruguay has to offer. 

Click here for details on how to access this type of residence. 


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